Thursday, September 15, 2011


Quick message... IM BACK :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Today was the first day of spring! Karly and I went on a walk and I took my first photo of flowers for the season! I love flowers and the way they smell. When we came home we had fun with chalk, Auntie Kat helped.

A Prayer in Spring
by Robert Frost

Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.
Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night;
And make us happy in the happy bees,
The swarm dilating round the perfect trees.

And make us happy in the darting bird
That suddenly above the bees is heard,
The meteor that thrusts with needle bill,
And off a blossom in mid-air stands still.

For this is love and nothing else is love,
The which it is reserved for God above
To sanctify to what far ends He will,
But which it only needs that we fulfill.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Potty Training

So im potty training Karly. This will be the second stab at trying to get her to potty in the potty. The first time it was going nice. For a while she was telling us when she had to pee and she was starting to hold it then poof i dont know what happened.

The first time she loved stickers. SO im planning on doing that again and having her put them on the board im making.

I am also doing the candy bribe. I took an empty baby food bottle, a picture and used a glue/water mix and put the photo on the bottle. I then put skittles inside. Karly LOVES Spongebob right now so thats the picture I used and added Karlys Potty Candy to it. Im hoping this will work.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


First off, I know I HAD a great opportunity! Its going to be rough once I move out but Ive done it before and I can again.

I didnt and dont think its anybodies job to do anything for me. I take care of my child they best way that I can. Everyone cooked and cleaned! Yes Alicia cooked most of the time but she is a way better cook than I am. But I DID cook for her and Matt as well did Matt cooked for us. I cleaned the house constantly during the day... the kitchen the most. There was multiple times I would have the house looking great and Matt would come home and put a piece of furniture together before Alicia got home. Or Alicia would get home and things would get cluttered and I wouldnt touch her stuff cause i didnt want to lose anything. I took out my fair bags of trash and when we first moved in, on trash day I would take the trash to the curb. As for picking up after me, I tried my damn hardest that all my stuff was in my room. Sure I missed a few things but im human.

Now to hit your "shop"ing comment. That was one of our deals. She would get me the necessities because I wasnt getting that much for spending money. Plus I never once asked her to buy me something. You might count the swimsuit but 1. I didnt have one and she wanted us to go swimming. and 2. she hadn't paid me yet so I didnt have my own money.

Plus before they had the basement neatly set up I barely had the girls play down there. Once we did, Thats when I would clean upstairs. Alicia had them alone downstairs more than I did.

You nor Alicia new when I got up. I would normally be up somewhere from 7:30-8 cause at 8 I fed them! I ALWAYS fed them around 8! SO dont you dare say I didnt feed them. We didnt have a monitor down there for awhile so I never knew what time Sophia got up if it was before 7:30! Its NOT my fault that Sophia did not come upstairs to go potty when she woke up. As of KB and Viv being left in their diapers for hours THAT is not true as well. I changed them frequently and often told Alicia we were out of diapers and she would say we had some. She didnt know how many i changed in a day.

As for the way Karly is treated. She is treated very well thank you! I did a lot of things with the girls. Yes not much for educational but oh well. I still did a lot with them I even had a playdoh set they played with. Oh and Karlys developmental state. She is slow in speaking but SHE IS GETTING BETTER EVERYDAY! She understands EVERYTHING I tell her. Yes I need to work on colors and numbers and letters but other than that she is very well developed. I HAVE talked to her doctor and she gave me information and said I just need to talk to her more, which I am and everyday she has a new word! Your not here so you dont know whats going on, and what i am doing for and with her.

Ok Alicia is more of an adult than I am. I admit that. She is very mature and such. But I do NOT sit at home making a mess and expect her to clean it up for me! I DONT want people to feel sorry for me. SHE was the one who wanted me to live with her and I agreed. She nor I had to do so. And to say that I expect things to handed to me is such bull! Oh and with the depression thing. I think your just trying to make shit up. No I am not depressed. Im mostly lazy but I do get off my ass and get what I need to get done, done. I get warn out easy. But I do do the dishes and clean the kitchen and bathroom and if I had time the living room. I think I cleaned more than Alicia did before all this shit happened.

The last thing I want is for Alicia to feel like she is stuck with me and needs to baby me. I dont! She's the one wanting to help me so if she does feel like it maybe she should stop. Sorry that I felt like a guest at your house. When I have a guest over I tend to do things for them, sorry if you didnt want to treat me as one.

I personally dont care that you resent me in driving the truck. It was NOT my fault im doing so. I liked the Explorer more than the truck but that was Alicias decision. She was the one who told me that she was giving the explorer to you. I was going to rely on buses to get everywhere and then Alicia told me you were giving her the truck. I personally dont like trucks but its transportation so im using it to my advantage.

I NEVER once blamed Alicia for what happened! I was mad at first but once we talked I owned up to my faults! I got a job and I am planning on moving out! As for people "talking to me repeatedly" HA! Matt nor Demi have come up to me and said shit to me! Jaimie has a couple times and I did take her advice to heart and she maybe only came to talk to me twice about it! Alicia barely came up to me to tell me if i needed to do things better.

But anyways. I really wish you did see what I did everyday, up until what had happened. But thats life. you will only get one side and I dont blame you for taking your daughters.

Message cont. (2-2)

There are things that we are supposed to learn in kindergarten, such as if you make a mess clean it up. I cannot believe that you expect to sit around and make giant messes without participating at all in the clean up efforts. Alicia is stuck in a horrible position. She is only 1 year older than you, however, she is apparently supposed to be the adult and do everything, while everyone is supposed to feel sorry for you. I don’t. Maybe you missed the boat growing up and think that life should be handed to you and comes with free maid service or maybe you are depressed. If you are depressed and didn’t used to act like this then I think you should get some help. If you are just irresponsible and filthy, then wake up and grow up. Either way, your daughter needs you.
If you were anyone other than who you are, Alicia would have fired you within a week or so and you would have been long gone. However, she is stuck feeling responsible for you. I also know that she isn’t exaggerating. When you were at my house, you didn’t clean up a thing or get up unless made to do so. HELLO!!!

As for me, I’m mad at you for not taking good care of the girls. I also resent you driving the truck. I liked that truck and the Explorer should have stayed Alicia’s to be sold when no one needed it for the girls anymore.

Normally I stay out of things, but those girls are my grandchildren and you are blaming Alicia as though this is her fault. Everyone including Matt, Jamie and Demi talked to you repeatedly to no avail. I doubt that this will have any more impact on you, but I needed to state my peace.

Message from my best friends mom (pt 1-2)

Nannette Gilbert September 2 at 2:03pm Reply
I have known you your entire life and am extremely distraught about recent events. I do and will continue to love you. For many years you have called me mom too, so I feel that I have the right to tell you how I feel. You were offered a great opportunity. Between the room, board, vehicle, car insurance, Internet and Cable, utilities, etc., it would take in excess of $20,000 a year job to have the same lifestyle. Actually probably even more.

No one has asked unreasonable things of you. Alicia knew ahead of time that you weren’t the best housekeeper. However, what she didn’t know was that you think that it is someone else’s job to do everything for you. To cook for your child, clean the house, take out the trash, shop, and even to pick up after you. The stories that I’ve been told about you sitting around on the computer for hours while the girls played unattended downstairs are astounding. Alicia came home day after day to a filthy house in which nothing was done. Your job as a nanny was a bare minimum effort at best. I do not understand how you think it can be okay to spend hours in the morning in bed while three small children walk around unattended, unfed, and unwatched. Sophia resorted to peeing on her bedroom floor in the morning until she was taught by Alicia to go upstairs and use the potty by herself. She is three, hello. Both Karly and Viv were left in dirty diapers for hours at a time, ew!!! I pray that nothing bad happens to Karly. She should not be treated this way every day. You also left them to do nothing educational or constructive, but to watch TV for hours. Have you even looked up developmental stuff about Karly. You should, because she is behind and needs better attention."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

All Dressed Up

All Dressed Up
written by Luke Brown and Mallary Hope

It’s coming down outside
Baby, we could thank the weather
For keeping us in, it’s no ordinary night
Let’s open up our best wine
Steal a dance and a kiss
And baby stay just like this

I wanna look at you
Like you just stole my breath
I wanna talk to you
Let the moment speak its best
I wanna live this night and feel this rush
And tremble when we touch
I wanna love, I wanna love
Like we’re all dressed up

When our hair is grayin’
This life is movin’ slower than it used to
When the sun is fadin’
And our story’s gotten older
When we’ve walked so far
Wherever we are

I wanna look at you
Like you just stole my breath
I wanna talk to you
Let the moment speak its best
I wanna live this night and feel this rush
And tremble when we touch
I wanna love, I wanna love
Like we’re all dressed up

Oh… I wanna look at you
Like you just stole my breath
I wanna talk to you
Let the moment speak its best
I wanna live this night and feel this rush
And tremble when we touch
I wanna love, I wanna love, I wanna love
Like we’re all dressed up
Like we’re all dressed up"